This blog is dedicated to Ansonians. Welcome visit and share with us your wonderful memories growing up in our beloved school. We hope .."to bring back the hour of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower" of those bygone beautiful days." Pictures, Videos, momentous, anecdotes, stories and any relevant material today and from our alma mater days are most welcomed and appreciated.Thanks.
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Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
ronald kuan siew poh

Since discovering that we have our alma mater dinners in peninsula malaysia he and wife julie saw to it that they would be part of it, no matter what. Bless their hearts.
In his own words, "...a rare joy to meet up with old friends...we are closely bonded... Thank God for this wonderful opportunity."
If Ronald and Julie could come all the way from south of the border, it baffles me as to why many opt to stay away.
Only you can answer that.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
victor wong

It couldn't have happened at a better time for him to be now walking in our midst.
God is at work; of that I am sure. Hallelujah, God be praised.
Why? For He has sent Victor,now an Itinerary Preacherman to reach out to show us the way to be saved. Amen
tham leong

Not the type to sit and rest on his laurels he aspired for more challenging things and became The president of the Boys' Brigade Malaysia, reaching the pinnacle of his success. Something like what you and I could only dream of.
He was bestowed accolades and decorations by King and country in his career path.
Blessed with boundless energy and enthusiasm to do good, he is now completely immersed in community work for his school and society. (A time when most of us would just contend to sit and watch the world pass us by.)
He is truly blessed.
We are delighted that we have a person in him who is 'larger than life' to call our very own 'classmate of ACS Teluk Anson.'
teoh seng cheak

He was with us for dinner at the Golden Sun In OUG on 13.12.2009 and together with me and Rudy Lim Ooi Chai 2 weeks later at the pasar seni, kl where we spent a day together.
He was wearing a 'frenchcap' no I don't mean that kind. Don't be naughty!
It was to hide his thinning crown and receding forehead, that's what the man said. I can't agree with him more, coz I don a cap too for the same reasons.*Haha*
lim seow yang

When I saw him, I saw 'Happy Store' flashing before my eyes. a place we all went for our newspapers/magazines and stationery in those days.
The store still around? Forgot to ask him. check it out.
ong chu seng

There are so many fascinating things I can say about this dude. but I think it wise and discreet to leave many things unsaid otherwise he will cook my 'goose'. *Haha*.
But I remember one hilarious incident, when he annoyed Mr. Manuel, our Geography teacher who admonished him and told him 'to climb up Gunung Tahan and plant rice for the people of Malaysia.' Haha
But having said all that, one cannot help but find this dude a delightful friend, for being what he was and is, I hope. *smile*
Note:All things are said in good faith and sans malice.

dr,tan khoon leng

His was a case of all brawn and brain who played and worked just as hard.
A crooner too for that matter to add another feather to his cap!
A dude of pleasant disposition and puts everybody at ease with his charismatic presence.
He has this to say, " Let me enlighten you all.Ask me who and who and I will feel in the blanks of their whereabouts,I mean ex-classmates." quips the walking Almanac.
Know something? He was always spot on!
poon juay cheow

Many elders frowned upon it at that time in history and laughed at his foolhardiness.
But today he has the last laugh and the envy of all and sundry. Why? Coz he is now a grandpa many times over. All in good time too he will be a great grand daddy-o. Take my word for it.
He is now a medicine man. No I don't mean the kind that jumps around a campfire and screams ooh eee ooh ah ah.
He a towkay of a medicine shop in Town. check it out.
Written in good faith and sans malice.
fam hong lim
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
TA ACS Ansonians in Kampar 2010
Video presentation, courtesy of Ronald Kuan Siew Poh. Visit his site at http://www.youtube.com/user/RonaldKuan#p/a/u/0/LLyp-U8FVsw
Listen up folks.
This is what I have been trying to convey all along. But Ronald Kuan's action spoke louder than my words. And here are the fruits of his labor.Thanks Ron. Your effort will not be in vain. This will definitely nudge and galvanize more of our mates to join in, contribute to make it more spectacular. Yes.
Listen up folks.
This is what I have been trying to convey all along. But Ronald Kuan's action spoke louder than my words. And here are the fruits of his labor.Thanks Ron. Your effort will not be in vain. This will definitely nudge and galvanize more of our mates to join in, contribute to make it more spectacular. Yes.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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